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SINBOS成立于2001年始于1996年,是立足于中国的本土皮革品牌。灵感来源于意大利皮革工坊Conceria Gaiera Giovanni,创始人Jemes Cao先生出生于皮革世家,怀着对皮革工艺的热爱与痴迷多次探访意大利。将意大利高级皮革工坊对工艺及质感的极致演绎带回国内。精致、简约、质感、实穿刻进SINBOS品牌基因,旨在为中国消费者奉上高品质、经久耐穿、高利用率的皮革作品。在多重文化的碰撞下,SINBOS秉承折中主义理念并将建筑感线条融入单品,演绎都市美学。提供精致而松弛的穿着体验
SINBOS 品牌LOGO设计为文字上下两行排列变形组合而成,通过提取文字中的字母I和O与图形“剪刀”相结合进行变形,以相对抽象的设计师裁剪图形表达SINBOS品牌的工艺及匠心,万物相连,以手造物,用心呈品,方寸间尽显诚意;赭石代表稳定、执着、沉着、坚毅,赭石色象征着坚定的信念和追求,SIINBOS品牌色赭石色搭配米白色及松石绿,传递“大其心,容天下之物”的哲学与生活态度及都市精致与松弛共存的美学理念
SINBOS was founded in 2001 and started in 1996. It is a local leather brand based in China. The inspiration comes from the Italian leather workshop Conceria Gaiera Giovanni. The founder, Mr. Jemes Cao, was born in a leather family and visited Italy many times with his love and obsession for leather craftsmanship. Bringing the ultimate interpretation of craftsmanship and texture from Italian high-end leather workshops back to China. Exquisiteness, simplicity, texture, and practicality are engraved in the SINBOS brand DNA, aiming to provide Chinese consumers with high-quality, durable, and highly utilized leather works. Under the collision of multiple cultures, SINBOS adheres to the concept of eclecticism and integrates architectural lines into single products to interpret urban aesthetics. Provides a refined yet relaxed fit.
The SINBOS brand LOGO is designed to be a deformed combination of the upper and lower lines of text. The letters I and O in the text are extracted and combined with the graphic "scissors" for deformation. The craftsmanship and ingenuity of the SINBOS brand are expressed with relatively abstract designer cutting graphics. All things are connected, made by hand, presented with care, showing sincerity in every inch; ocher represents stability, persistence, calmness, perseverance, ocher color symbolizes firm belief and pursuit, SIIBOS brand color ocher color is paired with off-white and turquoise green, conveying The philosophy and life attitude of "having a big heart and allowing everything in the world" and the aesthetic concept of coexistence of urban sophistication and relaxation;

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